Exhibition opening “What’s Work Worth?”
The Natinal Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame in Alice Springs, Australia is opening a new part of the permanent exhibition "What's Work Worth" on Thursday, 21st September 2017. The newly-added audio and audio-visual material draws, in part, on the experiences of women and...
May we introduce… our member: Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International in Germany
The women's museum in Fürth, Germany is led by women who speak different mother tongues who have different academic, pedagogical and artistic professions. In 1989 they founded the association Frauen in der Einen Welt - Zentrum für interkulturelle...
May we introducue… our member: National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame in Australia
The National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame was founded in 1993, and is one of two women’s museums in Australia. It is dedicated to preserving the place of women in history for their special contribution to Australia’s heritage. The three main permanent exhibitions...
May we introduce…our member: Girl Museum
Girl Museum is the first and only museum in the world dedicated to celebrating girls. Founded in 2009, the museum is entirely virtual - all programs are available on the website, free and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The museum is run by Head Girl, Ashley E....
Gül Aydin speaks about her experience as intern at the Women’s Museum in Fürth
Gül Aydin is a Museum Studies Master student at Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey. For a while she has been in contact with the Women's Museum Istanbul and took part in the Women's Museums conference in Istanbul in October 2016. Through the close collaboration between...
May we introduce our member… the Museo de la Mujer in Mexico
The Museo de la Mujer Mexico has the objective of reviewing Mexico’s history with a gender approach, from the prehispanic era to the present, with the aim of making visible women’s work and their contribution to building the nation, so that the history of women in...