May we introduce… our member: Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International in Germany

Sep 13, 2017


The women’s museum in Fürth, Germany is led by women who speak different mother tongues who have different academic, pedagogical and artistic professions. In 1989 they founded the association Frauen in der Einen Welt – Zentrum für interkulturelle Frauenalltagsforschung und internationalen Austausch e.V. (Women in One World – Center for Intercultural Research of Women’s Everyday Life and International Exchange), under which they express their solidarity with women worldwide, the need for discussion, cooperation and learning from each other. They develop projects aimed at intercultural understanding based on the everyday experience of women. They create a framework in which women from different cultural backgrounds can confidently share, compare and connect their experiences.

The association founded the Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International (Museum Women’s Culture Regional – International) in 2006. There they create and organize exhibitions, conferences, publish books and catalogues.

Common and shared experiences, as well as differences between women worldwide, who are disputing patriarchal structures, inequality and injustice are subject of the exhibitions, always with the aim of initiating intercultural and transcultural dialogues.

Through an interdisciplinary approach and a female perspective, they introduce an alternative interpretation of known issues in museums and initiate discussions about the problems left behind. They are addressing difficult topics and dissonant heritage. They report the experience of individuals in the wider social processes. They take women’s everyday life seriously and acknowledge the day-to-day performance of women. They relate situations of women from different countries, cultures and social classes and visualize mutual dependencies from Franconia, the region where the museum is situated, to everywhere. Thy are “giving voice” to ordinary women and highlight their histories.

They collaborate with women’s research organizations, women’s museums, authors and artists from various countries and are part of IAWM – International Association of Women’s Museums. In 1993 and 2014 the organization and the Museum have been awarded for the advancement of women in Nuremberg.

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