
IAWM is collecting literature as a publicly accessible Bibliography to increase awareness and scholarship on women’s museums and women in museums. 

The toggles below list various articles, books, and other publications related to women and gender in museums. Click the “+” icon at the right of each language to view that list.

How to contribute: This list contains publications about women’s museums and IAWM in alphabetical order. If you have suggestions of other publications or material regarding women’s museums and IAWM please send them to


Literature about women’s museums and IAWM


Akkent, M. (2017). Kadın Müze- si: Toplumsal Bellek Merkezi ve Kapsayıcı Mekân/Women’s museums: Centre of social memory and place of inclusion (Meral Akkent (ed.); 1st ed.). İstanbul Kadın Müzesi Kitapları Friedrich/Women’s Museum Istanbul.

Akkent, M., & Kovar, S. N. (2019). Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites and Practices of Reembrance. Müzesi Kitapları Friedrich/Women’s Museum Istanbul.ıkıldı_çünkü_tarihî_eser_değildi_s_44_55_

Ashton, J. C. (2017). Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change (1st ed.). Museums Etc.

Ashton, J. C. (2020a). Anonymous was a Woman (1st ed.). Museums Etc.

Ashton, J. C. (2020b). A room of one’s own Strategies of feminist arts interventions. In N. Cass, G. Park, & A. Powell (Eds.), Contemporary Art in Heritage Spaces (1st ed., pp. 83–97). Routledge.

Bartlett, A. (2020). Feminist heritage walks: materialising the feminist past in Perth, Australia and Glasgow, UK. Gender, Place and Culture, 27(7), 1007–1022.

Cicerchia, A. (2013). She Culture Final Report.

Clark, A. M. (2019). Museums , Feminism , and Social Impact [Buffalo State College].

Coni, G. T. (2007). Why Create a Museum on Women? Museum International, 59(4), 63–69.

Da Milano, C. (2015). She Culture: Guidelines for Women’s Museums and/or gender oriented Museums.

EuProstir. (2018). Gender Museum as a creative space for a dialogue myths concerning male and female roles in society.

Gillette, A. (1991). Focus on women. Museum International, 171(Vol XLIII, n° 3).

Goh, K. (2018, July). Why the UK’s biggest lesbian archive is so important. Dazed.

Grab, T. (1991). Women’s concerns are gender‐roles in German museums. Museum International, 43(3), 136–139.

Heal, S. (2019). Museums in the age of intolerance. In R. Janes, R.R. and Sandell (Ed.), Museum Activism (1st ed., pp. 208–219). Routledge.

Historic Environment Scotland. (2018). Scotland’s Lesbian History.

Holm, M. (2018b). Mona Holm’s Speech in Exhibition opening “From Evin with Love” The Iranian Women’s Movement Museum.

Holm, M., & Aarbakke, T. (2020). There She Goes Again: A Project on Gender Representation in Norwegian Museums’ Collections and Exhibition Practices. Museum International, 72(1–2), 92–103.

Ipsen, M. (2010a). The Women’s Museum in Denmark. Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography, 76–87.

Ipsen, M. (2017). The Women’s Museum in Denmark: From women’s history to gender culture. In J. C. Ashton (Ed.), Feminism and museums: Intervention, disruption and change (pp. 318–343). Museums Etc.

Ipsen, M. (2020). Difficult issues around gender. In Deutschland ICOM (Ed.), Difficult Issues: Proceedings of the ICOM International Conference 2017 (pp. 179–188).

Ipsen, M., Sandahl, J., & Torykian, J. M. (1990). The Women’s Museum in Denmark. Journal of Women’s History, 2(2), 168–170.

Kraemer, K., & Aydın, G. (2017a). Interview with Merete Ipsen, Director Women’s Museum in Denmark.

Kraemer, K., & Aydın, G. (2017b). Interview with Astrid Schönweger , Coordinator, International Association of Women’s Museums ( IAWM ).

Krasny, E. (2013). Introduction. In E. Krasny & Meran Frauenmuseum (Eds.), Women’s: Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art (pp. 10–29). Locker Verlag.

Krasny, E., & Meran Frauenmuseum. (2013). Women’s: Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art/Frauen: Museum. Politiken des Kuratorischen in Feminismus, Bildung, Geschichte und Kunst. Löcker Verlag.

Levin, A. (2019). Too Much of A Good Thing? Inclusion, Editorial Roles, and the Future of Museum Studies Publishing. Museum and Society, 17(2), 261–262.

Lowndes, S. (2010). Social sculpture: The rise of the Glasgow art scene (2nd ed.). Luath Press Limited.

Maxwell, T. L. (2013). Reflections on Glasgow Women’s Library: the production of cultural memory, identity and citizenship. In S. de Jong & S. Koevoets (Eds.), Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives (pp. 125–141). Central European University Press.

Moore, D. (2018). The March of Women: Glasgow Women’s Library’s living and breathing archive out on the street. Social History in Museums, 42, 39–48.

Offen, K., & Colton, E. L. (2007). The International Museum of Women. Museum International, 59(4), 19–25.

Offen, K., & Colton, E. L. (2010) Developing the International Museum of Women: Challenges and Responses. Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography, 68-75.

Önen, S. (2019). A Feminist Perspective on Women’s Museums in Turkey. Culture & Communication, 22(44), 125–145.

Patrick, A. (1997). Boy trouble: Some problems resulting from “gendered” representation of Glasgow’s culture in the education of women artists and designers. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 16(1), 7–16.

Patrick, A. (2017a). Claiming Space and Being Brave: Activism, Agency and Art in the Making of a Women’s Museum. In J. C. Ashton (Ed.), Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change (1st ed., pp. 184–215). Museums Etc.

Patrick, A. (2017b). How Art , Activism and Feminist Agency Shaped a Ground-breaking Museum. Museum ID, 2017.

Patrick, A. (2019). Feminist Leadership: how naming and claiming the F word can lead the cultural sector out of equalities “stuckness”. Glasgow Women’s Library.

Patrick, A. (2020a). March of Women. In K. Chynoweth, A., Lynch, B., Petersen, K., and Smed (Ed.), Museums and Social Change (1st ed., pp. 60–71). Routledge.

Patrick, A. (2020b). Moving Mountains: Visioning Intersectional Feminist Leadership. Glasgow Women’s Library.

Remer, A. E. (2020). Editorial. Museum International, 72(1–2), 1–7.

Schönweger, A. (2013). The Women’s Museum Network. The Challenges and Future of Women’s Museums, Using the Example of the Meran Women’s Museum. In E. Krasny & M. Frauenmuseum (Eds.), Women’s: Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art (1st ed., pp. 157–179). Locker Verlag.

Schönweger, A. (2016). The International Network of Women’s and Gender Museums. FIHRM – INTERCOM Conference “The Ethical Museum.”

Schönweger, A. (2017). Women’s Museums: Hubs for Feminism. In J. C. Ashton (Ed.), Feminism and museums: Intervention, disruption and change (1st ed., pp. 156–183). Museums Etc.

Skjøth, L. (1991). This is a first: Introduction by the Co‐ordinator of this issue. Museum International, 43(3), 124–125.

Thain-Gray, R. (2019). Decoding Inequality: Analysing narratives of inequality in objects. Glasgow Women’s Library.

Thain-Gray, R., Jones, R., & Malloch, M. (2016). Gender and criminal justice: Challenging prejudice. Scottish Justice Matters, 4(1), 11–12.

Thain-Gray, R., & Patrick, A. (2018). Equality in Progress: Fair Access, Representation and Inclusion in Museums. Research from a Grassroots Museum. Glasgow Women’s Library.

Tuyet, N. T. (2007). The Vietnam women’s museum: The promotion of women’s rights to gender equality and gender issues. Museum International, 59(4), 70–79.

Vaquinhas, I. (2019). Women’s museums today: Their creation, objectives and contribution to history. Arenal, 26(1), 275–297.

Vinson, I. (2007). Gender Perspectives on Cultural Heritage and Museums. Museum International, LIX, 4(236), 1–85.


Lorriaux, A. (2015). Pourquoi nous n’avons pas de musée des femmes en France? Slate.Com.

Botte, J. (2016). Les women’s museums avec des collections d’art Vers la construction de nouveaux récits et d’une autre société. La Lettre de l’OCIM, 166, 5–12.

Crook, P., & Malbois, F. (2005). La Glasgow Women’s Library: plus qu’une bibliothèque «femmes» pour moi! Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 24(1), 130–132.

Domercant, D. (2018). Musée d’histoire des Femmes d’Haïti: 365 Femmes de Fer (ebook). Museedes Femmes Haiti.



Bab, B. (2010). Das Frauenmuseum Bonn im europäischen Kontext. Museum Aktuell Online, 45–49.

Bala, E., Cyprian, G., and Franger, G. (2012). Sehen und Gesehen Werden. Ansichten Aussichten Einsichten.

Franger, G. (2015). Sehen und gesehen werden. Zuhören und eine Stimme geben. Das Museum Frauenkultur Regional International. In N. Huhle & T. Huhle (Eds.), Die subversive Kraft der Menschenrechte (1st ed., pp. 413–449). Paulo Freire Verlag.

Franger, Gaby (Hg): Alltag. Erinnerung. Kunst Aktion. Rück Blick Nach Vorne. 1989-2019. 2030, Frauen in der Einen Welt, Nürnberg 2019

Krasny, E., & Meran Frauenmuseum. (2013). Women’s: Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art/Frauen: Museum. Politiken des Kuratorischen in Feminismus, Bildung, Geschichte und Kunst. Löcker Verlag.

Malzner, C. (2017). Die Frauenmuseums-Frauen. Welt Der Frau.

Museum Frauenkultur Regional. (2016). 10 Jahre im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach.

Schönweger, A. (2003). Das Frauenmuseum in Meran. Vom Korsett zur lila Latzhose. In L. Gensluckner, H. Schreiber, & et al (Eds.), Gaismair-Jahrbuch.

Schönweger, A. (2007). Von Schönheit Alltag und Arbeit: Das Frauenmuseum in Meran erzählt. Studienverlag.


Gengaro, T., & Ruberto, R. (2007). Musei delle donne – Frauenmuseen – Women’s Museums. Un viaggio alla scoperta dei musei delle donne in Europa – un progetto di museo.

Schönweger, A. (2018). Il Museo delle Donne di Merano: da una collezione privata alle attività di disseminazione della storia. Storia Delle Donne14, 141–158.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Vaquinhas, I. (2014). Museus do feminino, museologia de género e o contributo da história. Midas, 3.

Vaquinhas, I. (2015). Museus das mulheres na actualidade: Criação, objectivos e o contributo da história. Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo- RITUR, Penedo, 5(26).


Coming soon.


Schönweger, A. (2010). Network Woman in Museum. Museos de la mujer se conectan entre sí. Heritage & Museography, no. 3, 55–66.


Aydın, G. (2018). Kadın Temsiline Eleştirel Bir Bakış:Türkiye’deki Kadın Müzeleri [DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNİVERSİTESİ].ın-müzeleri.pdf

Akkent, M. (2017). Kadın Müze- si: Toplumsal Bellek Merkezi ve Kapsayıcı Mekân/Women’s museums: Centre of social memory and place of inclusion (Meral Akkent (ed.); 1st ed.). İstanbul Kadın Müzesi Kitapları Friedrich/Women’s Museum Istanbul.

Literature about gender in museums


Anderson, M., & Winkworth, K. (1991). Museums and gender: an Australian critique. Museum International, 43(3), 147–151.

Andrews, M. (2019). Feminism and museums: intervention, disruption and change. Volume 1. Women’s History Review, 28(7), 1242–1244.

Armitage, S. (2005). Women and Museums: A Comprehensive Guide (V. J. Danilov (ed.); 1st ed., pp. 1–10). Rowman Altmira Press.

Bartlett, A., & Henderson, M. (2013). The Australian women’s movement goes to the museum: The ‘cultures of Australian feminist activism, 1970–1990’ project. Women’s Studies International Forum, 37, 85–94.

Bartlett, A., & Henderson, M. (2016a). What is a Feminist Object? Feminist Material Culture and the Making of the Activist Object. Journal of Australian Studies, 40(2), 156–171.

Bartlett, A., & Henderson, M. (2016b). Feminism and the museum in Australia: an introduction. Journal of Australian Studies, 40(2), 129–139.

Bergsdóttir, A. (2016). Museums and Feminist Matters: Considerations of a Feminist Museology. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 24(2), 126–139.

Mohanty, C. (1984). Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses. Boundary 2, 12/13, 333-358.

Clover, D., Taber, N., & Sanford, K. (2018a). Dripping pink and blue. Andragoška Spoznanja, 24(3), 11–28.

Clover, D., Taber, N., & Sanford, K. (2018c). The Feminist Museum Hack: a pedagogy of seeing and possibility. Storia Delle Donne14, 125-140.

Clover, D. (2018). Animating ‘The Blank Page’: Exhibitions as Feminist Community Adult Education. Social Sciences, 7(10), 204.

Clover, D. E., & Sanford, K. (2019). The Feminist Museum Hack: Making a creative disruptive pedagogical, investigative and analytical tool. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 42, 47–60.

Clover, D. E., Dzulkifli, S., Gelderman, H., & Sanford, K. (2020). Feminist Adult Educators‘ Guide to Aesthetic, Creative and Disruptive Strategies in Museums and Community.

Clover, D. E., Sanford, K., Taber, N., & Williamson, S. (2020). Feminist Critique and the Museum. Brill | Sense.

Colella, S. (2018). Not a mere tangential outbreak’: gender, feminism and cultural heritage. Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 18, 253–277.

Cuesta Davignon, L. I. (2020). Gender Perspective and Museums: Gender as a Tool in the Interpretation of Collections. Museum International, 72(1–2), 80–91.

Deepwell, K. (2006). Feminist curatorial strategies and practices since the 1970s. In J. Marstine (Ed.), New Museum Theory and Practice : An Introduction (pp. 64–84). Blackwell.

Dimitrakaki, A., & Jones, A. (2012). Viable or Merely Possible? In E. Krasny & Meran Frauenmuseum (Eds.), Women’s: Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art (pp. 67–78). Löcker Verlag.

Dimitrakaki, A., & Perry, L. (2013). Politics in a glass case: feminism, exhibition cultures and curatorial transgressions. Liverpool University Press.

Duncan, C. (2006). Art Institutions: Maybe Feminism Has Just Begun. Mobile Fidelities: Conversations on Feminism, History and Visuality, 19, 123–135.

Glaser, J. R. (1991). The Impact of Women on Museums – an American seminar. Museum International, 43(3), 180–182.

Glaser, J. R., & Zenetou, A. A. (1994). Gender perspectives: essays on women in museums (J. R. Glaser & A. A. Zenetou (eds.)). Smithsonian Institution Press.

Hein, H. (2010). Looking at Museums from a Feminist Perspective. In A. K. Levin (Ed.), Gender, Sexuality and Museums (pp. 53–64). Routledge.

Horne, V. (2014). History of feminist art history: remaking a discipline and its institutions. PhD Thesis. University of Edinburgh.

Horne, V. (2019). The Feminist Art of Self-Education. Women: A Cultural Review, 30(3), 231–253.

Kletchka, D. C. (2006). Women’s Work: The Gendered Discourses of Art Museum Education. Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education, 2006(1).

Porter, G. (1990). Gender bias: Representations of work in history museums. Continuum, 3(1), 70–83.

Porter, G. (1991). How are women represented in British history museums? Museum International, 43(3), 159–162.

Porter, G. (1995). Seeing through Solidity: a feminist perspective on museums. The Sociological Review, 43(1 S), 105–126.

Smith, L. (2006). Uses of Heritage. In L. Smith (Ed.), Uses of Heritage. Routledge.

Witcomb, A. (2002). Beyond the Mausoleum. Taylor & Francis Group.


Coming soon.


Muttenthaler, R., & Wonisch, R. (2003). Visuelle Repräsentationen – Genderforschung in Museen. In I. Bauer & J. Neissl (Eds.), Gender studies Denkachsen und Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung. Studien Verlag.

Schönweger, A. (2006). Müssen Frauen nackt sein, um ins Museum zu kommen? Ëres Tla Ladinia: Catalogh Dè Froa Dal Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor En Ocajiun Dla Mostra “Ëres Tla Ladina,” 9–32.

Zettelbauer, H. (2007). Das begehren nach musealer repräsentation. Geschlecht und identität in musealen inszenierungen zum, gedenkjahr 2005. Historische Wirklichkeitskonstruktion Und Künstlerische Gestaltung Im Museum, 18(1).


Gagliardi, I., & Savelli, A. (2018). La storia delle donne in percorsi di Public History Editoriale. Storia Delle Donne Rivista 1, 14.


Coming soon.


Holm, M. (2018a). Kvinner og menn på utstilling, Anno 2017. In B. S. H. Haugen & M. Pedersen (Eds.), Utdanning Hedmark (pp. 110–137). Museumsforlaget.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Catalogues/Publications/Articles of all the IAWM Museums (and members of the Museums)


Akkent, M., & Kovar, S. N. (2019). Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites and Practices of Reembrance. Müzesi Kitapları Friedrich/Women’s Museum Istanbul.ıkıldı_çünkü_tarihî_eser_değildi_s_44_55_

Kraemer, K., & Aydın, G. (2017b). Interview with Astrid Schönweger , Coordinator, International Association of Women’s Museums ( IAWM ). Women’s Museum Istanbul.

Schönweger, A. (2016). The International Network of Women’s and Gender Museums. FIHRM – INTERCOM Conference “The Ethical Museum.”


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


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Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Akkent, M., & Kovar, S. N. (2019). Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites and Practices of Reembrance. Müzesi Kitapları Friedrich/Women’s Museum Istanbul.ıkıldı_çünkü_tarihî_eser_değildi_s_44_55_

Latest News

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