October 2018: women’s museums conference in Istanbul

October 2018: women’s museums conference in Istanbul

From 21st to 22nd October 2018 the First Asian and European IAWM Women’s Museums Conference took place in Istanbul. Women’s museum founders and researchers from Turkey, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, USA, Spain, Argentina, United Kingdom,...

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Musée de la Femme de Marrakech opened!

Musée de la Femme de Marrakech opened!

On Friday, 14 September the Musée de la Femme de Marrakech opened its doors for the first time to the public. We would like to congratulate the whole museum team to this wonderful work! The opening exhibition is a huge success. It is called "Rural Women, Artist Women"...

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Women and Peace

Women and Peace

Board member of IAWM, Gaby Franger, has participated in the conference Women and Peace. Using the arts to communicate across the cultures in the Georgian Republic. After one week of work the participants of 12 countires presented their results in the Georgian...

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Ute Ringwald ‘Prädikat weiblich’

Ute Ringwald ‘Prädikat weiblich’

The Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden, in Germany is opening the exhibition 'Ute Ringwald: Prädikat weiblich'. Ute Ringwald paints voluptuous women and feminine sensuality in radiant colours and motifs, always with a delicate dash of self-irony. The subjects of her paintings...

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Latest News

Women working at the harbor: a walking tour in Hamburg

The FrauenFreiluftGalerie Hamburg is inviting to a special walking tour in Hamburg about women working at the harbor in history and today. More information in German: Hafenansicht weiblich: Frauenarbeitsplätze im Hafen – jetzt und einst. Ein Spaziergang am Elbufer...

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Standing up for Women – a Statue of Mary Clarke in Brighton

inVISIBLEwomen works to support gender equality in civic statues and it is a real pleasure to hear of the campaign for a statue of a Suffragette in my own city, Brighton. Mary Clarke, sister of Suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst, was a truly inspiring activist for...

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