The story of the first song of the Iranian Women’s Movement

The story of the first song of the Iranian Women’s Movement

Mansoureh Shojaee Jeff and Marcia are an artist and documentarian couple. I met them while they were working on their most recent documentary. While chatting with them casually, which usually is more interesting than the  “official discussion”  people have,...

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International Women’s Day at the Norwegian Women’s Museum

International Women’s Day at the Norwegian Women’s Museum

In Kongsvinger, home city of the Norwegian Women’s Museum, the International Women’s Day is celebrated over several days, with events ranging from feminist themed pub quizzes and self defense classes to talks and debates about body issues. The Women’s Museum shows an...

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International Women’s Day at Enciclopedia delle Donne

International Women’s Day at Enciclopedia delle Donne

The Enciclopedia delle Donne celebrates March 8 (and its ninth birthday) in Rome! Also this year they participate in the Women's Book Fair, which is held in Rome at the Casa Internazionale delle Donne. They will present their books and their activities and projects in...

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Women’s Museums at Home: Museo de las Mujeres de Costa Rica

In times when many museums worldwide are forced to keep their doors shut, we invite you to engage with exhibitions and collections of women’s museums virtually. On this blog we will share with you online exhibitions or virtual views into our member museums worldwide....

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Four days dedicated to women beings in the Scottish capital

By Lisa Settari As we know, International Women’s Day (IWD) was once again celebrated on 8 March this year. On this occasion, the WomenBeing collective based in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, dedicated four days to its Second International Interdisciplinary...

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