International Women’s Day at the Women’s Museum in Meran, Italy

Mar 10, 2019

Woman of the Year award in the Women’s Museum Meran on 9th March 2019.

On Saturday, 9th March, the Women’s Museum in Merano first announced the #ichfraudesjahres (woman of the year). Since two years, the Women’s Museum of Merano has been running the blog in order to extend its awareness-raising work beyond the museum to the internet.

In 2018, the #fraudesmonats (woman of the month) section was introduced in the ichfrau blog. It wants to act as counterpart to the beauty competitions in the region. Each first day of the month the blog honores one woman of the month. The criterion for the selection is that these women have chosen unusual occupations and life paths, or made groundbreaking decisions.

Sissi Prader, director of the museum puts it this way: In the Women’s Museum, we connect the historical life of women with the life of women in the present. The work of women should be made visible and appreciated.

From all of the women of the month of 2018 the woman of the year 2019 was elected through an online voting. This year the winner was the tattoo artist Sarah Bertagnolli who was announced and celebrated on 9th March in the Women’s Museum of Merano.

In the middle the woman of the year Sarah Bertagnolli, with Astrid Schönweger (left) and Sissi Prader (right).

Astrid Schönweger, editor of the blog ichfrau: Sarah embodies exactly what we want for the woman of the year 2019. A woman who bravely chooses her path, regardless of the obstacles she has to deal with, but also regardless of what society thinks of it. Sarah Bertagnolli is a dignified first woman of the year and we are happy to present her!

The woman of the year was presented with a statue in the form of the logo of the Women’s Museum that is also a symbol of women’s lives – a corset that opens at the front and slowly loosens up from below.

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