Mobile exhibition: SAFE journey
Safe journey is a mobile exhibition designed in the shape of a portable cart sharing three main topics: Safe or unsafe; Safety empowers me and Continued safe journey. The mobile exhibition invites viewers to reflect on the dangers in public places and how this affects the safety of women and girls. Firsthand accounts, as presented in the exhibition, highlight obstacles to safety including social norms and attitudes, public transportation and quality of infrastructure; passive bystanders; and unsafe destinations. The exhibition calls on the public to join hands and demand a safe city, providing women and girls safe public places free from discrimination and gender based violence. The exhibition will travel around the city and continue collecting stories from people with a focus on four strong messages: #Self esteem; #Agency; #Freedom; #Empowerment for women and girls.

Ceremony of donation of documents from Lawyer Nancy Hollander – member of American delegation attending a meeting between American women and Vietnamese women in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1965
Lawyer Nancy Hollander was the youngest member of the American delegation during the 1965 meeting in Jakarta. She kept more than 450 documents including letters, bulletins, books, magazines… recording the historical milestone about the relations between American women and Vietnamese women during war time.
This is the first time Nancy has publically shared these documents. It is her hope that the Museum will keep these valuable documents and make them available to the public.