Does cultural heritage unfold its beauty only in its native lands?
Women's Museum Antalya promotes the following campaign: Antalya Promotion Foundation has launched the Project called ‘Cultural heritage unfolds its beauty only in its native lands’ for the return of the works taken abroad. The signature campaign called “Does cultural...
Chivatica, a guide for girls, by Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla
Virtual exhibition in the Museo de las Mujeres, Costa Rica Chivatica, a guide for girls, is the result of a research process in the municipalities of Aquitania and Chitaraque in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. This process of inquiry into the social...
Call for Papers: Museum and Gender
Interesting news for women's museums: ICOM is preparing an issue of Museum International on the theme Museums and Gender. This issue of Museum International aims to generate serious reflection on gender issues in museums, how they are intertwined, and the role of...
July 2020: 6th International IAWM Conference of Women’s Museums
The new date of the conference will be the 8th to 12th June 2021 6th International IAWM Conference of Women’s Museums Frauenmuseum Hittisau (Women’s Museum Hittisau, Austria Frauenmuseum Hittisau, the only women’s museum in Austria, organizes in...
Rapport – Séminaire international ‘La gouvernance des musées’
From 11th to 14th June 2019 the International Seminar on Museum Governance of the women’s museums of Senegal and Quebec 2019 took place in the Women's Museum Henriette Bathily in Dakar, Senegal. Here you can find the IAWM report on the conference. Louise Senechal is...
We welcome our new member: ‚Pop-up’ museum in Ireland
‚Pop-up’ museum – 100 Years of Women in Politics and Public Life in Ireland Ireland’s touring ‘pop-up’ Women’s Museum which has traveled all over the country, is believed to be the first of its kind in the world. It chronicles the history of Ireland over one hundred...