May we introduce … our member: WM Merano, Italy

May we introduce … our member: WM Merano, Italy

... the Women's Museum Merano, ItalyMember of IAWM since its foundation in 2008Our museum exists since 1988 and is administrated by a private association. Our rooms are spreading over 800 sqm on the two upper floors of a former nunnery in Merano, Italy.The objects in...

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Conference in Istanbul, October 2016

Conference in Istanbul, October 2016

"Women's museums: Centre of social memory and place of inclusion" is the title of the Women's Museums Conference in Istanbul on 20-22 October 2016.Please find more information here:International Conference of Women's Museums, Istanbul, October 2016,...

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Exhibition opening at the Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden, Germany

The Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden is opening the exhibition 'The art of remembrance. Alice Salomon (1872-1948)' 2. September 2018 — 10. February 2019 Exiled from Germany in 1937, Alice Salomon died in New York, alone, in August 1948. The same year in December, Swiss artist...

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