Women’s Museum Meran in Italy opens exhibition “On the skin”

Aug 31, 2018

The exhibition “On the skin” will be opened at the Women’s Museum in Meran, Italy on 7th September.
The art and practice of tattooing can be found all over the world. It is a global cultural phenomenon. Tattoo culture is still practiced on every continent up until today.
“On the skin” is an ethnographic photography series about the custom and culture of facial tattoos of the Chin-women in the mountains of Burma.
The photographer, Paola Marcello, produced this photo-series in a remote mountain area. She witnessed and documented this acient custom, which soon will be extinct. This large-seized portrait-serives is a tribute to the beauty, the story, the courage and dignity of these women.
Curated by Luca Chistè, photographer and curator from Trento.

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