About gender equality in Norwegian museums
Recently the Anno Museum in Norway has released an anthology with an interesting article written by Mona Holm from the Women's Museum Norway. It contains an analysis of the gender equality in Norwegian museums. With her kind permission we publish the abstract of her...
Antalya Women Museum opens exhibition on the Hairstyles of Women in Ancient Age
The Antalya Women Museum in Turkey will promote the history, archeology, aesthetics of Antalya with "The Exhibition on the Hairstyles of Women in Ancient Age" project". Twenty replicas of women's sculptures from the Ancient Age will be displayed with real hair. MD...
Two new exhibitions at the Women’s Museum Berlin
The Women's Museum Berlin is inviting to two new exhibitions to each of which will be published a catalogue. 11 July 2018 – 31 August 2018 6. Heim_Spiel Painting | Installation | Photography | Video In Lichtenberg living or working artists were invited to...
AWARE Study Day 2018: The emerging question of gender in museums
Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions (AWARE) in Paris is organizing in partnership with la Réunion des Musées Métropolitains Rouen-Normandie (RMM) and l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA): 10. October 2018 L’Argument de Rouen 2018 : Think /...
We welcome our new member: The National Women’s History Exhibition Hall in Korea
The National Women's History Exhibition Hall (NWHEH) is the only museum under the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family. This is one of the important achievements of the Korean women’s movement. It opened on December 9, 2002 in the Women’s Plaza in Daebang-dong,...
Guided tour in the exhibition “Mary Cassatt, une impressionniste américaine à Paris”
Archives of Women Artists Research and Exhibition (AWARE) is restoring the presence of 20th-century women artists in the history of art. In association with a cultural institution, AWARE organises monthly guided tours by museum curators or art historians to reveal the...