New issue released: Storia delle donne

Nov 18, 2019

The new issue of the interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, Italian journal “Storia delle Donne” [Women’s History] includes articles from and about women’s museums.About the journal:

Storia delle Donne [Women’s History] is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published annually. Each issue is devoted to a theme that is particularly relevant to contemporary women and is re-examined within different cultures and societies often far removed in time and space. The aim of each monographic issue is to trace back women’s individual and collective itineraries analysing their material and symbolic worlds against the backdrop of various geographic, socio-political, cultural and religious contexts. Storia delle donne is set out in two sections – Passato [Past] and Presente [Present] – in order to achieve continuity and discontinuity within a political perspective that takes gender studies into account, and is always sensitive to collective values.

The recently released issue edited by Dinora Corsi of the University of Florence includes amongst others an article by Cristina da Milano with the title “I musei delle donne nelle politiche europee: dalle politiche sociali a quelle culturali” [Women’s Museums in European politics: From the social politics to the cultural ones]. The issue also features an article by IAWM members Darlene E. Clover, Nancy Taber, and Kathy Sanford about “The Feminist Museum Hack: a pedagogy of seeing and possibility”. Astrid Schönweger wrote the article “Il Museo delle Donne di Merano: da una collezione privata alle attività di disseminazione della storia” [The Women’s Museum Meran: from a private collection to the activity of dissemination of history]. And Toti Rochat from the women’s museum Il Museo delle Donne Valdesi in Italy wrote about the history of her museum and the story of one of the founders of the museum.

Here you can download the journal:

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