One step closer to a women’s museum in Switzerland
On 14th of June 2019 thousands of women and men in Switzerland went on strike in order to protest for women’s rights. The first women’s strike in Switzerland took place in 1991. Since then many things have changed – but many things also remained problematic, like...
Looking at the Museum From a Feminist Perspective
On 24th May 2019 Gül Aydin, student of museology and individual member of IAWM, was invited to the Women's Museum Izmir in Turkey to deliver a talk with the title "Looking at the Museum From a Feminist Perspective". In her speech she started off talking about women's...
We welcome our new member: The women’s book room in Iceland
Konubokastofan (The women's book room) was founded by Rannveig Anna Jonsdottir and officially established as a non-profit entity on April 25 2013. Anna conceived the idea for Konubokastofa while studying Icelandic literature at the University of Iceland. Helga Kress,...
News at the Women’s Museum of Mexico City
At the end of the First World War, Virginia Gildersleeve, Dean of Barnard College, Caroline Spurgeon, professor of the University of London and Rose Sidgwick of the University of Birmingham decided to create a world organization that united university women, in order...
International Dialogues in the Museum: One World: Resistance Art for Peace and Development
Frauen in der Einen Welt - Women in One World Museum Frauenkultur Regional - International Museum Women's Cultures Regional - International, Fürth, Burgfarrnbach invites to the International Dialogues in the Museum: One World: Resistance Art for Peace and...
Women`s power around the globe: Let´s visit the hotspots of women´s history!
In 2015 Marianne Wimmer from Austria had an idea: She wanted to be the first woman to visit all the women's museums in the world. She did not loose much time, and started her visits in women's museums around the world. In a series of articles here on this platform she...