News from Mexico City’s Women’s Museum

Jun 10, 2020

The Mexican Federation of University Women (FEMU) and Mexico City’s Women’s Museum (MMM) organized a cycle of Virtual Seminars to explain COVID-19 effects on society, specifically on girls and women. These seminars took place from 18th to 22nd May, and 5 specialist from FEMU participated, in each sesión we host almost 100 participants via Zoom and more than 200 via facebook. During addressed the problem of the current pandemic through a gender perspective.

You can Access to the recorded videos at:

During the month of May, other virtual activities were carried out through MMM’s social networks: 8 courses and workshops, 16 seminars, and 1 piano concert.

The Mexico City’s Women’s Museum continues temporary closed due to the sanitary measures requested by our government against the coronavirus, COVID-19.

Each month FEMU translates into Spanish and informs its associates of the activities carried out by Graduate Women International.

FEMU has a weekly radio program entitled: “Mujeres a la Tribuna” (Women take the Stand), broadcasted nationally by the Mexican Institute of Radio (IMER), coordinated by Dr. Patricia Galeana (FEMU’s Founding President) and presented by M.A. Lourdes Enríquez. You can listen to our recent radio programs at:

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