News from Museum Frauenkultur Regional – International

News from Museum Frauenkultur Regional – International

It feels like yesterday that we had opened the exhibition Technology#Female #Logical- in May, postponed by two weeks this year. Now we are in the last weeks of this years’ museums season. On October 31 we will close the gates for this year and prepare during winter...

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From the streets of Shanghai to the Women’s Museum in X’ian

From the streets of Shanghai to the Women’s Museum in X’ian

Known to everybody, even to those who have not yet strolled through it – that’s the no. 1 of China's streets, Nanjing-Street, situated in the heart of Shanghai. It is Sunday, that means, thousands of people come along with me, go for a stroll through this well-known...

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From historical oblivion to the thousand-peso bill

From historical oblivion to the thousand-peso bill

The highlight event of the last month at the Women's Museum Mexico City was the virtual conference “Hermila Galindo: from historical oblivion to the thousand-peso bill”. A very interesting talk by Dr. Rosa María Valles Ruiz on Galindo’s life and work. You can watch...

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Museum International: Museums & Gender

Museum International: Museums & Gender

Recently the International Council of Museums (ICOM) published the latest edition of the academic journal Museum International,  on the theme, Museums and Gender. Several IAWM members have contributed with articles to this edition and Ashley E. Remer, head of Girl...

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Latest News

Frauenmuseum Hittisau nominated for EMYA 2021

Frauenmuseum Hittisau (Women's Museum Hittisau) proudly announces its nomination for the European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA). Its aim is to recognize excellence in the European museum scene. This year's ceremony will take place as a public, online event with all...

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News from the Women’s Museum Mexico

On March 8, the Mexican Women’s Museum celebrated its 10th anniversary with the presentation of the actions and goals achieved in this first decade, by its founder and director, Dr. Patricia Galeana. That same day, Dr. Patricia Galeana, founder and director of the...

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We welcome our new member: Women’s TraCEs

In 2021, Museum of Recent History Celje in Slovenia launched the project Women's TraCEs, in which we explore the stories of women from Celje in the 20th century, the role of women in modern society and various topics related to women. With different approaches, we...

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A Women’s Museum is Love

Women’s Museum in Albania MiG  (Muzeu i Grave) Every museum has a lot of emotion inside, but when you build it from the ground up, it brings a lot more than just that – it brings lots, and lots of love. The museum I built from the ground up, is the museum of the...

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