Frauenmuseum Hittisau: Lecture on the Representation of Birth in the Media

Sep 24, 2020

The internet and social media are part of our life. They shape our perception of the world. They also influence how we think and feel about pregnancy and birth. In movies, for example, birth scenes are often fragmented and portrayed as dramatic and hectic. Tonight, the communication scientist and midwife Daniela Rüb will talk about these representations and analyze stereotypes.

After the lecture the French documentary “First Cry” (2007) by Gilles de Maistre will be shown. 

This event is part of the exhibition “birth culture. giving birth and being born” which is currently shown in Frauenmuseum Hittisau. The exhibition is co-funded by the European Union under the Creative Europe Culture Programme on birth cultures. The project is implemented by Interarts (Spain) in cooperation with Frauenmuseum Hittisau (Austria), Frauenmuseum Meran (Italy), Gender Museum Charkiw (Ukraine) and IAWM (Italy).





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