News from Women’s Museum Mexico

May 10, 2021

Women’s Museum Mexico

The FEMU held its monthly assembly virtually in April. Dr. Gloria Ramírez referred to what happened on the 65th anniversary of the CSW and highlighted that it was the first time that FEMU participated as a consultative body of ECOSOC. Lucía Guzmán presented the FEMU experience in CAMEUS at CSW65, where the activities of our Federation had a great impact and received various congratulations from the Board of Directors and members of the International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM).

During the month of April 2021, the following activities were carried out at the Women’s Museum in Mexico City: 17 workshops, 12 conferences, 1 editorial presentation and 1 play.

Our most outstanding event was the Conversation commemorating the birthday of Leonora Carrington (1917-2011). We had the participation of Pablo Weisz Carrington, son of the artist; Guillermo Salceda, cultural promoter and friend of the Carrington family, and Glenda Hecksher (FEMU). Pablo Weisz, narrated what it meant for him to be Leonora’s son, the inauguration of the “Casa Estudio de Leonora Carrington” in virtual format and the great artistic legacy of the surrealist painter and sculptor.

You can watch all our activities at:

Mexico City’s Women’s Museum continues temporary closed due to the sanitary and prevention measures our government has imposed against COVID-19.

Each month FEMU translates into Spanish, in order to inform all its associates, the main activities carried out by Graduate Women International. You can check this information at:

FEMU has continued transmitting its weekly radio program entitled: “Mujeres a la Tribuna” (Women take the Stand), broadcasted nationally by the Mexican Institute of Radio (IMER), coordinated by Dr. Patricia Galeana (FEMU’s Founding President) and presented by M.A. Lourdes Enríquez. You can listen to our recent radio programs at:

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