“There has to be a women’s museum in every country of this world.”

Shirin Ebadi

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (2003) and official godmother of IAWM

Welcome to the International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM). We are thrilled to share with you our organization and members, which seek to provide women’s museums – and those who work with them – a place to share and collaborate. Learn about our history, our goals, and our members.

Are you a women’s museum or just want to know more?

IAWM Statement on Oppression in Iran

IAWM’s stands with our members on the incarceration of Nasrin Sotoudeh and others fighting oppression in Iran. Read the full statement here.

IAWM Statement Against Violence Against Women

The IAWM stands strong against violence against women. Read our statement in honour of 25 November here.


Latest News

A museum with a communist layout

Six bus stations followed by just as many subway stations- and now? “Exit B – Women’s Museum“ - the ideal notice presented at the right spot for everybody not familiar with the area. You immediately know where it is best to exit the huge subway system with its plenty...

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