We welcome our new member: Casa de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres

Mar 25, 2019

The mission of the museum initiative Casa de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres in Colombia is to promote historical memory about the impact and differential effects of armed conflict on girls and women in Magdalena Medio, also seeking to raise awareness of their experiences of empowerment and resistance, that contributes to strengthen the hope of the new generations to build a fair, dignified and equitable country for men and women.

This Women´s Museum hopes to be an open space, recognized as an important place of historical memory in the region, which can contribute from different symbolic, cultural, daily and political dimensions to the recognition of the voice and experiences of women in recent times. The Museum is the result of the efforts of 2000 members of the Organización Femenina Popular (OFP), who decided to fight for this as an alternative to collective reparation. Currently, the team is working on advancing the museological content so that it represents everyone who wants to exhibit in the space.

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