Call for Subbmissions: Brood Festival

Digital Institute for Early Parenthood (DIEP) is inviting professional international artists/filmmakers to submit short films they created in response to their pregnancy, birth and/or new parenthood experience(s) for BROOD FILM FEST; the first annual international...

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IAWM at the ICOM Conference in Milan

IAWM at the ICOM Conference in Milan

We are at the ICOM Conference in 2017 in Milan. Sissi Prader from the ‪#‎Frauenmuseum‬ ‪#‎Meran‬ and Board-Member of IAWM are connecting and networking. Yesterday Astrid spoke at FIHRM workshops about human and women rights in women's museums. Today at 16:30 we are at...

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November 2014	Third European Conference, Bonn, Germany

November 2014 Third European Conference, Bonn, Germany

25 members of 14 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa took part in a conference on November 6 and 7, 2014, at the Frauenmuseum Bonn to work on new strategies and projects. All of them are members of IAWM. Topics on the agenda were amongst others talks...

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Sur nous

The network womeninmuseum is a loose union of Women’s Museums, initiatives and museums dedicated to women. There are 50 women’s and gender museums and 14 women’s museums initiatives in different countries nowadays. These museums are very important for gender informing...

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Latest News

Girl Museum’s plan for long-term sustainability

The Girl Museum has been operating as a virtual museum for the last 10 years and has grown to be a world-class producer of exhibitions, collaborative projects, podcasts, and other media that document, preserve, and advocate for girls’ unique culture and rights around...

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About gender equality in Norwegian museums

Recently the Anno Museum in Norway has released an anthology with an interesting article written by Mona Holm from the Women's Museum Norway. It contains an analysis of the gender equality in Norwegian museums. With her kind permission we publish the abstract of her...

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