October 2016: Women’s Museums Conference in Istanbul

October 2016: Women’s Museums Conference in Istanbul

In Oktober 2016 the women's museum Istanbul organized the conference "Women's Museums: Centre Of Social Memory And Place of Inclusion". Experts and museum professionals from Turkey and many other countries met in Istanbul in order to talk about women's museums and...

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Only one month left!

Only one month left!

In only one month we will meet in Mexico City for our Fifth International Conference of Women's Museums. We are looking forward to meet our members!View PDF for more information and registration: Second call

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Finissage at the WM Hittisau, Austria

Finissage at the WM Hittisau, Austria

On Wednesday, 26 October the finissage of the exhibition Me, on the summit. A female alpine history takes place at the women's museum Hittisau, Austria.With this exhibition the WM Hittisau uncovered pieces of female history and made a valuable contribution to the...

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Only two months left!

Only two months left!

In two months we will meet in Mexico City for the Fifth International Conference of Women's Museums. We are looking forward to insightful workshops, vibrant discussions and a lot of networking!View PDF for more information and registration: Second call

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Exhibition opening at the Women’s Museum Wiesbaden, Germany

Exhibition opening at the Women’s Museum Wiesbaden, Germany

"Wo ist Frau Orpheus?" - "Where is Mrs. Orpheus?"OPENING on 25th SeptemberThe artist Christine Rieck-Sonntag is presenting her search for Mrs. Orpheus. Everone knows the legendary singer Orpheus, but who was his wife, Eurydike? Christine Riech-Sonntag was searching an...

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Latest News

Musée de la Femme de Marrakech opened!

On Friday, 14 September the Musée de la Femme de Marrakech opened its doors for the first time to the public. We would like to congratulate the whole museum team to this wonderful work! The opening exhibition is a huge success. It is called "Rural Women, Artist Women"...

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Women and Peace

Board member of IAWM, Gaby Franger, has participated in the conference Women and Peace. Using the arts to communicate across the cultures in the Georgian Republic. After one week of work the participants of 12 countires presented their results in the Georgian...

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Ute Ringwald ‘Prädikat weiblich’

The Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden, in Germany is opening the exhibition 'Ute Ringwald: Prädikat weiblich'. Ute Ringwald paints voluptuous women and feminine sensuality in radiant colours and motifs, always with a delicate dash of self-irony. The subjects of her paintings...

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