The Women’s Museum Meran publishes women’s city guide

The Women’s Museum Meran publishes women’s city guide

Yesterday evening the Women's Museum Meran, Italy presented their new book Meraner Geschichte_n. It is a city guide - but not just any city guide. It tells the history of Meran from a female point of view. It was long overdue to tell the many female stories of the...

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May we present our member… the Gender Museum Ukraine

May we present our member… the Gender Museum Ukraine

This is the First GENDERMUSEUM not only in Ukraine, but also in Post Soviet Area and Eastern Europe. The museum of gender and HerStory has been created by the initiative of a gender sensitive community and with the support of the UNDP Equal Opportunities, Women's...

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International Museum Day in Women’s Museums around the world

Around 18th May 2019 museums around the globe celebrate International Museum Day (IMD). The theme of 2019 is “Museums as Cultural Hubs: The future of tradition”. Many women’s and gender museums in our network have been cultural hubs from their beginnings. Many of us...

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Patricia Galeana designated Ambassador of Mexico in Colombia

The Board of the International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM) congratulates the former Board member of IAWM and Director of the Women’s Museum Mexico, Patricia Galeana, for being designated Ambassador of Mexico in Colombia. The Women’s Museum of Mexico City is...

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Fathers, you are important! The 5th of May is the International Midwives' Day. On this occasion the Birth Café Campaign invites everyone to start a narrative...

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