This is the First GENDERMUSEUM not only in Ukraine, but also in Post Soviet Area and Eastern Europe. The museum of gender and HerStory has been created by the initiative of a gender sensitive community and with the support of the UNDP Equal Opportunities, Women’s Rights in Ukraine Program, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, and Global Fund for Women.
The Museum aims at gender education, strengthening cultural ties between Ukraine and other countries, consolidation of women’s and gender movement, attracting journalists’ and community’s attention to the women’s and gender issues.
The main task is to collect exhibits which are able to reflect the gender construction process and to prove that:
- gender issues are not only women’s problems but the whole society’s problems;
- instead of all the positive social changes women and men should achive, they are suffering gender discrimination;
- the women’s and gender movement in Ukraine and all over the world isn’t an episodic phenomenon but a natural process lasting centuries.
The museum collection comprises about 3000 exhibits from different regions of Ukraine and other countries. The Museum provides education activities on gender issues using interactive methods and visualization of different gender problems through temporary exhibitions.
The main art and research projects are:
- Women’s Face of War (from 1939 to 2014)
- Women’s face of EuroMaydan
- Famous women of the Kharkiv region
- Parenthood is…
- Tortures for Women
From 2013 the Museum is situated in stationary rooms. On 26 August 2013 the Gender Museum was unveiled. From this date until today more than 3000 people have visited the Museum, got inspired, and got a new gender vision.
The Gender Museum is an NGO and does not get any financial support from the government or local institutions for it’s activity and projects. Today it exists ONLY with support of the campaign #SAVE GENDER MUSEUM – an initiative of Maria Sanchez Garcia.