IWD at Global Fund for Women

Global Fund for Women’s President and CEO, Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro, delivered an inspiring TED Talk for International Women’s Day. Isirika. It’s one word with a meaning powerful enough to mobilize and inspire an entire community. Global Fund for Women’s President and CEO,...

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IWD at the Girl Museum

IWD at the Girl Museum

Girl Museum is holding our first-ever art auction in support of #5WomenArtists. Featuring works created by female artists exclusively for our museum, all proceeds will support our new contemporary art exhibition series. Bid now on prints, laptop bags, pins, and...

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IWD at the Enciclopedia delle Donne in Milan, Italy

IWD at the Enciclopedia delle Donne in Milan, Italy

  This year Enciclopedia delle Donne, Milan, Italy will be in Rome for IWD in occasion of its eight birthday! In Rome the fair 'Feminism - the first fair of women's publishing' takes place for the first time in the International House of Women's Publishing. ...

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IWD at the Women’s Museum of Costa Rica

IWD at the Women’s Museum of Costa Rica

The Women’s Museum of Costa Rica is opening the exhibition "Women transforming spaces" by Vanessa Huertas Miranda. "Being a woman is fighting from birth, fighting for space and living in. Waking up and opening paths that seem to be closed with warnings, involves...

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IWD at the Women’s Museum Norway

IWD at the Women’s Museum Norway

What’s happening on and around the International Women’s Day in Kongsvinger 2018? The Norwegian Women’s Museum, Kvinnemuseet, is an active part in the IWD committee in our town, Kongsvinger. This is the third year we are inviting several other organizations to join...

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IWD in the Association Women and Gender Museum Switzerland

IWD in the Association Women and Gender Museum Switzerland

Tonight the association women and gender museum Switzerland invites to a talk with the title 'Significant Swiss Women - how to honour them? From the classical museum to the Virtual Reality'. The exhibition curator Beat Gugger will address the following questions: How...

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Chivatica, a guide for girls, by Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla

Virtual exhibition in the Museo de las Mujeres, Costa Rica Chivatica, a guide for girls, is the result of a research process in the municipalities of Aquitania and Chitaraque in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. This process of inquiry into the social...

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Call for Papers: Museum and Gender

Interesting news for women's museums: ICOM is preparing an issue of Museum International on the theme Museums and Gender. This issue of Museum International aims to generate serious reflection on gender issues in museums, how they are intertwined, and the role of...

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