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Poster Art and Solidarity

"because women are creating culture" "because women have the view" "because women write history” These are just a few of the statements on the posters above that campaign for the preservation of the Museum of Women‘s Culture Regional - International. In January 2022,...

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Welcome to the Bremer Frauenmuseum

A new women's museum has joined the International Association of Women's Museums (IAWM). We would like to give them a warm welcome. The Bremer Frauenmuseum in Germany is a virtual museum, which means it is cooperating on various projects with other institutions or...

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Headscarf as a Cultural Signifier

The international exhibition Headscarf as a cultural signifier opened in the WomeN'S Museum of Novi Sad, Serbia on May 18, 2022, as part of the Novi Sad-European Capital of Culture 2022 program, and will last until the end of June 2022. The project is managed by the...

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