Switzerland: “The history of women should become visible in a national women’s museum”

Jul 23, 2022

Photo: Canva

The Council of States thus said yes to a somewhat modified version of the motion of Mrs. Marianne Streiff:

A national network – co-financed by the Confederation – is to be created that will take on the preservation, indexing and communication of the history of women’s equality in Switzerland.

This is what was envisaged in the motion.

For the initiative IG Frau und Museum Switzerland this means:

  • Therefore, we can continue our work. That means to take up, elaborate and present individual women’s history topics.
  • But we can also participate in the national network and thus pursue one of the goals, namely the representation of women in our country, make it visible at certain points or also criticize it.

The challenges still remain. What will be new is that now the topic can be taken up at the national level in a network co-financed by the federal government.

Women’s suffrage on the road

Meanwhile, the IG Frau und Museum has completed the collection in the women’s museum case “Women’s Suffrage on the road”. This is now being prepared for the “Tour de Suisse”. The project was co-financed by JubilAnno 2021, Kanton St. Gallen, a project of Alliance F and the Mercator Foundation.

Women’s museum case “Women’s Suffrage on the road”, photo: Martha Beéry-Artho

Martha Beéry-Artho

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