List of Women’s Museums

You can also download the complete list of IAWM members and women’s museums and initiatives below. These lists are updated annually.
List of Museums (2023)
List of IAWM Members (2023)

If you utilize this list as a source, please mention IAWM as the author. We would love to include your published works, such as articles, on our Resources list, so send us a link as well.

Do you know about a museum that is not on the list? Let us know.

Latest News

From historical oblivion to the thousand-peso bill

The highlight event of the last month at the Women's Museum Mexico City was the virtual conference “Hermila Galindo: from historical oblivion to the thousand-peso bill”. A very interesting talk by Dr. Rosa María Valles Ruiz on Galindo’s life and work. You can watch...

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Museum International: Museums & Gender

Recently the International Council of Museums (ICOM) published the latest edition of the academic journal Museum International,  on the theme, Museums and Gender. Several IAWM members have contributed with articles to this edition and Ashley E. Remer, head of Girl...

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