List of Women’s Museums

You can also download the complete list of IAWM members and women’s museums and initiatives below. These lists are updated annually.
List of Museums (2023)
List of IAWM Members (2023)

If you utilize this list as a source, please mention IAWM as the author. We would love to include your published works, such as articles, on our Resources list, so send us a link as well.

Do you know about a museum that is not on the list? Let us know.

Latest News

Poster Art and Solidarity

"because women are creating culture" "because women have the view" "because women write history” These are just a few of the statements on the posters above that campaign for the preservation of the Museum of Women‘s Culture Regional - International. In January 2022,...

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Welcome to the Bremer Frauenmuseum

A new women's museum has joined the International Association of Women's Museums (IAWM). We would like to give them a warm welcome. The Bremer Frauenmuseum in Germany is a virtual museum, which means it is cooperating on various projects with other institutions or...

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Headscarf as a Cultural Signifier

The international exhibition Headscarf as a cultural signifier opened in the WomeN'S Museum of Novi Sad, Serbia on May 18, 2022, as part of the Novi Sad-European Capital of Culture 2022 program, and will last until the end of June 2022. The project is managed by the...

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