About Us

IAWM is a strong network of museums worldwide, meeting every four years to exchange ideas, connect with one another, and support our collective efforts to tell women’s stories. Working collaboratively, IAWM has six key goals.

Our Goals

  • To promote culture, arts, education and training from a gender perspective;
  • To foster exchange, networking, mutual support and global cooperation among Women’s Museums;
  • To conduct research and the development of projects, exhibitions, new initiatives, community activities, seminars and conferences;
  • To promote and strengthen the acceptance of Women’s and Gender Museums worldwide;
  • To achieve international recognition in the world of museums; and
  • To advocate for women’s rights and a gender democratic society.

Click the buttons below to learn more about us.

Statement Against Violence Against Women

IAWM stands against violence against women. Read our statement here.

Support Our Work

IAWM is funded by membership dues and donations from supporters like you. Please consider making a gift in support of our goals by clicking the button below.

Latest News

Call for Contributions: ‘Care-ful Museology’

'Care-ful museology: global perspectives on care work in the museum' will explore caring and care work as a theoretical approach to, or practice framework for, different areas of museum work and scholarship. The edited collection will be edited by Nuala Morse and...

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New exhibition at Frauenmuseum Berlin, Germany

kein Stand noch Still [4händig] Lucy Teasdale // Lioba von den Driesch Ausstellungsdauer: 17.11.2023 - 28.1.2024 Eine Ausstellung des Frauenmuseum Berlin e.V. zu Gast in der Kommunalen Galerie kuratiert von Rachel Kohn Künstlerinnengespräch: Sonntag, 14.1. 2024 um 14...

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25th November at Women’s Museum Hittisau, Austria

Veranstaltungen und Aktionen rundum die 16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen im Frauenmuseum Hittisau:   Ausstellungseröffnung: “Die rote Linie” 24. November, 17:00 Uhr, FMH Hittisau https://www.frauenmuseum.at/programm/dierotelinie-innsbruck Anlässlich der „16 Tage...

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