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  • Coordination and financing of individual projects, and
  • Travel and scholarships for IAWM members to attend conferences.

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Latest News

IAWM mourns the death of its member Elisabeth von Dücker

The International Association of Women's Museums (IAWM) deeply mourns the death of member and friend Elisabeth von Dücker, who died in July. In May, she had written to IAWM and was happy to be a member of the network. She had been connected to the women's museums and...

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Exhibition opening: round and round

On Friday, 24th July 2020 at 6pm the Frauenmuseum Berlin invites to the opening of the exhibition round and round. The exhibition will take place at Potsdamer Str. 161, 10783 Berlin. 8 artists of the Frauenmuseum Berlin will show their works until 2nd August 2020:...

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