The Women’s Book Lounge in Iceland

Dec 21, 2020

In challenging times, women’s museums are resilient and responding…

Konubókastofa (The Women’s Book Lounge), Iceland

This year has been a good year for Konubókastofa despite Covid.

However, we have not been able to hold any event. That is unfortunate as the main event has been there. Membership fees have covered the main cost which is maintaining a website. This summer there was less covid in Iceland and then we could have opened. Just make sure there are not many at once. There were quite a few visitors, almost only Icelanders, however, as there were few foreign tourists.

Now in December 2020 Konubókastofa is open twice a week but we don’t have events yet.

It occurred to us to record a podcast episode where we cover Icelandic women writers and their work.


Before Christmas, most books are published in Iceland, where books are the main Christmas gift, so we have mainly been discussing new books. We have also decorated our windows with Christmas lights to draw attention to the house, and we have also published an article in a local newspaper.

As most people in the world have noticed in these times, we have a great need to meet each other physically and we have a great need for a culture of any kind. We hope that everyone has that in mind when we get through this time and can start meeting again in groups and enjoying each other and culture.


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