Women’s Museums At Home: The Power of She

Apr 13, 2020

In times when many museums worldwide are forced to keep their doors shut, we invite you to engage with exhibitions and collections of women’s museums virtually. On this blog we will share with you online exhibitions or virtual views into our member museums worldwide.

Girl Museum presents the virtual exhibition The Power of She:

Girl and women (female) gods have been around since the beginning of spiritual belief. ‘She’ manifests in many forms with many intentions and purposes. Often ‘She’ is associated with creation, and thus is very powerful. It may come as a surprise to many that ‘She’ is older with a longer continuity of importance than many male gods. These ancient stories help us to understand the value of females in narratives and social structures.

Read on to find out more about all the varieties of She in world mythology: https://www.girlmuseum.org/project/power-of-she/


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