Women’s Museums At Home: Social Media Campaign from Zubaan

Mar 24, 2020

In times when many museums worldwide are forced to keep their doors shut, we invite you to engage with exhibitions and collections of women’s museums virtually. Every day we will share with you an online exhibition or virtual view into one of our member museums worldwide. Today we invite you to take a look at the social media campaigns of the feminist publishing house Zubaan, India.

Domestic Violence

At a time when ‘social distancing’ and self-quarantining is being encouraged, it is important to remember that for many, the home and the family is not a site of unconditional love and care. Access to the outside world is now limited, and victims of domestic violence are forced to be in close quarters with their abusers without any access to help for extended periods of time. These posters from Zubaan’s Poster Women archive represent the movement against domestic violence in India.

Environmental Movements

Women and the environment have always had a close relationship, which also means that climate change affects women differently. Women, particularly those working in agriculture, face threats to their livelihood, and natural disasters (which increase due to climate change) also make women more vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation. These posters from Zubaan’s Poster Women archive represent the intersection of the women’s movement with the environmental movement in India.


Women have historically been denied access to knowledge, and in times of crises, this unequal access to critical information can prove to be fatal. These posters from Zubaan’s Poster Women archive represent the movement for women’s literacy in India. (first poster reads: I went to school; you must too. Know the world and move forwards)


Resistance emerges out of the efforts of people coming together in solidarity. This collective negotiates with various institutions, continuing in the face of massive opposition and even violence, to fight against injustice and oppression.


These posters from Zubaan’s Poster Women archive depict the resistance the women’s movement in India has shown to patriarchal norms.



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