Women’s Museums at Home: Museo de las Mujeres de Costa Rica

Mar 31, 2020

In times when many museums worldwide are forced to keep their doors shut, we invite you to engage with exhibitions and collections of women’s museums virtually. On this blog we will share with you online exhibitions or virtual views into our member museums worldwide.

Last week we shared 5 virtual exhibitions from the Museo de las Mujeres de Costa Rica, and today follows the second part with the next 5 virtual exhibitions:


This project is a historic effort to rescue women who have contributed so much to the arts of the country; women with first and last names, yes, last names, because the lineage of their mothers, their parents, must be honored; women of wise knowledge whose names must survive for the memory of future generations.

Link to the exhibition:



Our eyes cannot stop blinking, it arises from an experimental curative exercise based on the articulation of the positioning of feminist art historian Lucy Lippard, the concept of orientation of Sara Ahmed and the research of artist Alex Martinis Roe on some of the genealogies of feminist practices. Which led to a series of dynamics for explore: How the curatorial exercise, from the feminist perspectives, can dislodge us to broaden our points of view and promote an active state of reflection and debate? Expanding the possibilities to imagine other ways of relating, occupying and orienting ourselves in the world, disarticulating the inequalities and political economies that favor attention towards some bodies, spaces-territories and objects more than others.

Link to the exhibition:



The theme of this exhibition, prepared by professor and students of graphic design at the University of Costa Rica, arises from the observation that the current context in which we live is diverse, both globally and locally: in the Latin American context and in our environment as a Costa Rican country. This diversity is a product of immigration, mixing, which produces a multiculturalism in our cultural environment; without forgetting also, of the diversity in the subjectivities with which each individual life and relates to the others.

Link to the exhibition:


The Power of Emotions, by Grabado  – Mujer Collective, 5th Anniversary

Based on the writings of the British-Australian writer and philosopher Sarah Ahmed, this group of artists have mostly inspired their proposals on her book “The Cultural Policy of Emotions” (2015). This approach sees emotions as cultural practices (rather than psychological statements). Emotions are structured and socially reproduced based on affective spheres, as Ahmed points. Taking in consideration this scheme, people would act in a certain way and establish perceptions of the body and their personal limits reaching out various social fields and creating important levels of inequality.

Link to the exhibition:



A self-portrait in a ridiculous, photographic, teenager-like pose that satirizes the usual icon associated to the canon of feminine beauty (according to make-up, cream and smiling faces). Women must be beautiful in almost every personal and social activity an in the chauvinistic context of our stereotyped, sexist societies.

Link to the exhibition:


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