Women‘s Museums at Home: Disobedient Women

Mar 20, 2020

In times when many museums worldwide are forced to keep their doors shut, we invite you to engage with exhibitions and collections of women’s museums virtually. Every day we will share with you an online exhibition or virtual view into one of our member museums worldwide. Today the initiative from the University of Victoria, Canada presents a video of the exhibition Disobedient Women.

The woman is from the West Coast League of Lady Wrestlers – they dress in costume and ‘wrestle’ with social injustices such as violence against women or climate change.


In 2017-2018 we curated a multi-media feminist research exhibition entitled Disobedient Women: Defiance, Resilience and Creativity Past and Present. It included paintings, videos, poems, puppets, protest buttons, posters and tee-shirts, photographs, newspaper clippings, installations and more that were donated by women around the province of British Columbia, Canada, created by commissioned artists and drawn from museum and university archives. This exhibition was a snapshot of women’s highly visible radical, defiant and often humorousimaginations and actions, publicly courageous and defiantly creative in spirit and deed. Disobedient Women also honoured the less visible acts of resistance and resilience that are part of the daily lives of women in an unjust world. Together the collection was clever, engaging, critically reflective, visually stunning, rebellious or patiently pursued to place feminism squarely on thehistorical landscape of Canada.


The video: Opening gala, Legacy Gallery, University of Victoria

This video captured the diversity of the exhibition and the energy of the opening gala which included slam poetry, Indigenous women drummers, songs and more

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