The Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International wants to allow women from all over the world to raise their voices and make their voices heard.
Therefore, the museum organizes a lecture with Mina Watanabe, director of the Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM) on 3rd May 2019:
‘Comfort women’ in Asia. Civil society commitment to justice and commemoration
During the Second World War countless girls and women in Asia became victims of systematic sexual violence. They were forced to work as prostitutes for members of the Japanese imperial army and euphemistically referred to as “comfort women.” For a long time the victims remained silent, and then a long struggle to acknowledge their suffering began.
Supported by donations and by civic commitment, the WAM is working on a complete research of the sexual violence by the Japanese army during the Second World War.
As part of the event, the director of the Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace reports on the ongoing challenges in the struggle for the social and political recognition of these crimes committed during the Second World War.
If you do not have time to attend the lecture, there is another opportunity to meet Mina Watanabe on 4 May 2019, at the opening of the exhibition “Rück Blick Nach Vorne” at 3:00 pm in the Women’s Museum Fürth. There she will give a talk about the artwork “Comfort Women” by Remedios Felias.
Find more information in German here.