Welcome to our new member: Seoul Herstory House(Seoul Yo-Dam-Jae)

Feb 8, 2023

The mission of Seoul Herstory House is to research women’s lives in the history of Korea from women’s perspective and run programs to improve gender equality.

What We Do

  • research and re/write women’s history through oral interviews and various documents/materials from feminist perspective
  • archive and exhibit women’s lives and works
  • develop and run programs to improve gender equality
  • run library

What We Did in the year of 2022

  • research
  • conducted oral history interviews of 14 women, analyzed their lives from women’s perspectives, and published them
  • wrote 5 women’s lives through historical and formal/informal documents from women’s perspectives
  • held exhibition of 33 women activists who fought for the independence of Korea during the Japanese colonial period

  • held exhibition of Women’s Movement of Culture & Art(films, dramas, paintings, journalism and etc.) from 1980s to 2000s

Seoul Herstory House(Seoul Yo-Dam-Jae)

address: 202-15 Naksan-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03093

email: herstoryhouse7@gmail.com


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