Welcome to our new member: MIMA Museu Internacional da Mulher

Mar 22, 2018

MIMA was founded on March 8, 2016 and expects to grow into a physical museum focused on women of Portuguese speaking countries. The young association is striving for a better more equal world and is growing thanks to the voluntary work and effort of the associate members.

MIMA’s mission includes:

1-Historic, cultural and recreational development, presentation and promotion of women and gender related themes 

2-Promotion of women´s accomplishments and women´s social role, in general

3-Organizing conferences, exhibits, concerts as well as other forms of presentation including an archive on women´s studies and gender related issues

4-Promoting insight and awareness on women and gender related issues

5-Promoting women and their social roles at the economic, social and cultural levels

6-Contribute toward defining public policies at the national and global level, fostering better equity

7-Cooperate with similar associations, movements or initiatives, public or private entities, inland or abroad, within the Association´s intervention goals

8-The Association will pursue its activity with total independence from political parties, companies, for profit entities, as well as religious or governmental entities”

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