We welcome our new member: The National Women’s History Exhibition Hall in Korea

Jul 3, 2018

The National Women’s History Exhibition Hall (NWHEH) is the only museum under the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family. This is one of the important achievements of the Korean women’s movement. It opened on December 9, 2002 in the Women’s Plaza in Daebang-dong, Seoul with the aim to shed light on the role of women in Korean history. The Ministry of Gender Equality & Family wanted to use it as a space for gender equality education, but the Ministry did not have a long-term plan for the Korean women’s history museum. According to the contract between Seoul city and the government, the NWHEH had leased the space in the Women’s Plaza for free for 10 years.

The NWHEH had to move to Goyang on September 1, 2014. Now it is located on the first and second floors of the Government Complex in Goyang city, not far from the center of Seoul. The space on the first floor hosts special exhibitions once a year, and on the second floor the permanent exhibitions & donated collections are exhibited. The museum covers about 800 square meters for exhibition halls, museum storage, office rooms, etc.

Homepage: http://eherstory.mogef.go.kr/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eherstory.mogef.go.kr/

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