Unfinished Lines – exhibition at the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame Australia

Oct 20, 2017

‘The fantastic photographic exhibition “Unfinished Lines” at the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame in Alice Springs in Australia has been extended until November. The aim of the project “Unfinished Lines”  was to demonstrate the beauty and wisdom encapsulated in the process of ageing, and the continuing living journey for all seniors.

Four Central Australian artists embarked on the project called Unfinished Lines. A multidisciplinary, collaborative project, it sort to represent the many facets of the Alice Springs community, culminating in a photographic exhibition that featured handmade silk and cotton garments and 3-dimensional art that endorsed the wondrous lives of twelve local elders cast within the stunning landscapes of Central Australia. The exhibition was launched at the Alice Springs Olive Pink Botanical Gardens in August 2017.
Unfinished Lines referenced the lines of the stories, the lines on the faces, the lines in the landscapes and the continuation of these lines.  Unfinished Lines visual re framing of ageing not only highlights the desire and enthusiasm in continuing the journey of gathering and experiencing all that life has to offer but challenges societies obsession with youth.
Unfinished lines employed only local artisans, seniors and printers. The project displayed the many types of people within Central Australia and promoted the stunning landscapes of Central Australia with an upcoming book providing an exclusive quality present that will enable people to share and promote the beauty and uniqueness of Central Australia.​

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