Austria: Frauenmuseum Hittisau

Romania: The Musuem of the Romanian Peasant Woman, Dragomiresti

Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Gender Information Center, Baku (virtual)
Korea: National Women’s History Exhibition Hall, Seoul
Museum of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University “Aktumar”

USA: Women at Work Museum, Attleboro, Massachusetts

Feminoteka, Warsaw (virtual)
Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace

Frauenkultur Regional International
Argentina: Museo de la mujer, Buenos Aires
Canada: Women’s Art Museum Society of Canada, Edmonton
Spain: Museo ethnologico de la Mujer Gitana, Granada
Museo de las Mujeres de Costa Rica (virtual)
USA: Appalachian Women’s Museum, Dillsboro, North Carolina

New Zealand: Charlotte Museum Trust – For the collection and preservation of Lesbian History & Artifacts, Ponsonby
Canada: Musee de la Femme, Longueuil
Italy: Museo della donne valdesi, Angrogna
Netherlands: Museum van de Vrouw, Echt
USA: The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New YOrk

Museo de Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas (virtual)
USA: Florida Museum for Women Artists
Italy: Casa Andriollo – Museo Soggetto Montagna Donna, Borgo
Women’s Museum of Iran, Tehran (virtual)

Girl Museum (virtual)
Ukraine: Gender Museum, Kharkiv

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