The Women’s Museum Meran publishes women’s city guide

Nov 7, 2017

Yesterday evening the Women’s Museum Meran, Italy presented their new book Meraner Geschichte_n. It is a city guide – but not just any city guide. It tells the history of Meran from a female point of view. It was long overdue to tell the many female stories of the city and so the museum published this book at the 700 year anniversary of the city. The book was written by the Women’s Museum Meran in collaboration with our very own coordinator Astrid Schönweger.  It has been published in German and Italian.

Mariagrazia Barbiero, Sigrid Prader, Astrid Schönweger, Aldo Mazza, Photo: Sonia Steger

Photo: Ernst Müller

Astrid Schönweger, Roberta Ciola, Photo: Ernst Müller

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