Second journey of the collection: From Evin With Love

Sep 9, 2019

When on the 9th March 2018 the Iranian Women’s Movement Museum opened the exhibition “From Evin With Love” in The Hague in exile, it was a moving moment.

Mansoureh Shojaee, curator of the exhibition, founder of the Iranian Women’s Movement Museum, and member of IAWM welcomed at the opening also IAWM president Mona Holm, and the godmother of IAWM, Nobel peace prize winner, Shirin Ebadi.

It is a great joy that now the exhibition will be showed also in another city through the collaboration with a member museum of IAWM: The Museum Women’s Culture Regional – International, Fürth, Germany.

The exhibition consists of objects of handicrafts made by political women prisoners in the Evin Prison in Iran, and photos and biographies of these women. Some of the objects are made as gifts to the children of the women, whom they were not able to see during their long time in prison. Some of the women are still prisoners today.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 15th September in the Heilig-Geist-Spital in Nuremberg.


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