Online Ritual – From Darkness To Light

Jan 26, 2021

Join Frauenmuseum Hittisau in an online ritual on birth and transformation. The occasion is the period between winter solstice and Candlemas (2 February) – a time that celebrates the rebirth of light.

Why rituals?

According to the Korean-German philosopher and cultural theorist Byung-Chul Han rituals are symbolic acts. They represent a society’s values. Han juxtaposes a community without communication to today’s communication without community, which does away with collective feelings. Through ritual acts an egocentric person is able to become a social being.


From Darkness to Light:

2 February 2021, 6:15 – 7:30 am (CET)

Sign up until 28 January 2021:


The “room for birth and the senses” in Hittisau


An event in cooperation with Netzwerk Rituale Vorarlberg and IG Geburtskultur a-z

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