Online Exhibition on Nguyen Thi Dinh – A Talented Leader from Vietnam

Jul 28, 2020

Female General Nguyen Thi Dinh fixing clothes for soldiers during her break time at the Southeast battlefield in the US resistance war © Pham Khac, photographer

Vietnamese Women’s Museum Celebrates 100th Birthday of Nguyen Thi Dinh

The online exhibition The Badana Women General presents Nguyen Thi Dinh’s life and stories. She was a compassionate and humble general as well as a talented and affectionate leader of Vietnam.

Nguyen Thi Dinh (1920-1992) was promoted to major general and became the first female general of the Vietnamese People’s Army in 1974 . She held the position of Secretary of the Central Party Presidium of Vietnamese Women’s Union and Vice President of the State Council. She is also a founder of the Vietnamese Women’s Museum.

To see the full exhibition please follow this link: 

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