News from the Women’s Museum of Mexico City

Oct 30, 2019

The Mexican Federation of University Women invites you to participate in the International Seminar: “Empowerment of Girls and Women through Education”. Venues: School of Accounting and Business Administration, (University City) and The Women’s Museum (Downtown, Mexico City).
We invite you to submit a paper on the following
I. Subjects
1. History of Graduate Women International.
2. The Mexican Federation of University Women as part of GWI
3. Empowerment through education for women and girls.
4. Role of non-governmental organizations and international agencies in the empowerment of women and girls.

Guidelines at:

GWI News

Each month we translate into Spanish and inform our associates of the activities carried out by Graduate Women International.

Museum Activities

During the month of September, the following activities were carried out at the Women’s Museum of Mexico City: 9 courses and workshops, 2 conferences, 1 editorial presentation of a book, 4 reproduction of genre cinema films, and 1 Museums’ Night.

Our most important event was the inauguration of the temporary exhibition “Las hijas de la madre tierra” (Daughters of Earth mother) by the artist Anxel, in the framework of the International Day of Indigenous Women. Glenda Hecksher (FEMU’s Vice President of International Affairs) made the presentation of the work, which reflects the current situation that many indigenous women go through the dispossession of the land and the worldview of their surroundings, as well as everyday life situations.

In this month we received a total of 1,945 people, of whom 1,320 were women and 625 men.

Radio Programs

We produce a weekly radio program entitled: “Mujeres a la Tribuna”, (Women to the Stand), broadcast nationally by the Mexican Institute of Radio (IMER, in Spanish), coordinated by Historian Patricia Galeana, PhD, and presented by Lourdes Enríquez, M.A. FEMU is the first organization of the Civil Society to have a program on Ciudadana 660 (Former Radio Ciudadana 660 AM) of the Mexican Institute of Radio, IMER.

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