News from the HerStory Archive at the women’s museum in Alice Springs

Sep 26, 2017

The HerStory Archive at the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame is a comprehensive collection of stories and photographs.

It shows mainly pioneering women in the traditional sense or those who are first in their field.  Apart from preserving many often previously untold stories, the archive is useful for future researchers, as well as inspiration for future exhibitions at National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame headquarters in Alice Springs and online. The information comes from many avenues: from the staff and volunteer research and from information supplied by visitors, authors, scholars and friends and family of the pioneer women. In the current upgrade of the archive, the staff is working towards updating basic information, attaching photos and providing additional information on each of the women in the Archive. There will also be sound and audio-visual material for a small selection of the women.  As part of the upgrade, the online Archive will be more user-friendly and easier to search. The upgraded Archive will be available for visitors to browse at the museum or on the webpage.

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