News from Museum Frauenkultur Regional – International

Sep 23, 2020

Copyright: Frauen in der Einen Welt

It feels like yesterday that we had opened the exhibition Technology#Female #Logical– in May, postponed by two weeks this year. Now we are in the last weeks of this years’ museums season. On October 31 we will close the gates for this year and prepare during winter the second exhibition-period of Technology#Female#Logical from May to October 2021 with catalogue and International Dialogues in the museum on May 28 to 30.

Despite the difficulties of this strange year 2020, we were able to successfully organize some very interesting and sometimes moving events. At this point we would only like to mention our project “Ingenious Girls (Patente Mädchen)”, which we developed as part of the “Culture makes strong” program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Our project enabled girls with a non-German mother tongue to discover the world of women in technical professions and to actively develop their own small projects with the aim of the girls trusting themselves, researching and discovering and thus gaining self-confidence and confidence in their own abilities.On the other side, these known obstacles have spurred us on to expand our virtual offerings, in particular through virtual insights into the exhibition, the weekly presentation of exhibition objects – technical devices and art – as well as portraits of protagonists of technical developments in the Nuremberg metropolitan region. These pages as well as blogs about our 10 female artists – who interpret and apply technology very differently – are also available in English:

Home (en):

Museum Online


Copyright: Frauen in der Einen Welt

Upcoming Events for a German speaking audience:

Friday, Sept. 25, 16.00 -19.00


„Digitalisierung – Chancen, Nutzen, Risiken.“ (Digitization – opportunities, benefits, risks)

Christine Just, Team Museum Frauenkultur

Ein kurzer Einblick führt zu praktischem Hand-werkszeug, um sich im Dickicht der Diskussionen zurechtzufinden.

Bringen Sie Ihr Tablet, Notebook oder Smartphone mit, um einige der vielfältigen Möglichkeiten im Umgang mit den neuen Technologien zu erproben.

Kooperation: Katholische Erwachsenenbildung , (KEB) Fürth e. V.

Eintritt frei

Copyright: Frauen in der Einen Welt

Friday, Oct. 2, 16.00-18.00

Round Table und Open Space: Planungen für neue Fragestellungen in der Ausstellung 2021

Nach uns die Zukunft! Frauen in Technik und Naturwissenschaften Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Hürden, Chancen, Strategien ( After us the future! Women in technology and natural sciences. Current developments, hurdles, opportunities, strategies)

Ruba Ghanem, Frauen in der Einen Welt e.V.

Prof. Silke Christiansen, INAM Forchheim

Dr. Eva Gebauer, Bionicum, Nürnberg

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Dernbach, TH Nürnberg

Gisela Maul, Dipl. Ing. M2 Counselling

Eintritt frei

Gaby Franger, Museum Frauenkultur Regional – International

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