New exhibition about Care at the Women’s Museum Hittisau, Austria

Oct 20, 2017

The new exhibition at the Women’s Museum Hittisau in Austria will be inaugurated on 28 october and focuses on a pressing and much discussed topic: Care.

The exhibition pflege das leben… Betreuung * Pflege * Sorgekultur shows a cultural history of care with a sociopolitical approach, an artistic Oral-History project by Ines Agostinelli and artworks by Judith P. Fischer, Martin Jennings, Heide Heimböck, Kirsten Helfrich, Regina Hügli, Anna Jermolaewa, Dorothea Koch, Mark Riklin, Ronja Svaneborg, and Georg Vith.

Photo: Helmut Klapper, 1974, Frauenmuseum Hittisau



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