Nadia Murad is asking for justice – and this is how we can support her

Jul 10, 2017

The question Nadia Murad wants to ask the UN security council is “Why is it taking so long?”

Nadia Murad is one of over 7000 Yazidi women and children who were kidnapped by the IS in 2014. Now she pleads to the government of Iraq and the United Nations to finally investigate these crimes. The victims of the IS should finally receive the justice they deserve.

After the invasion of the IS in the yezidian settlement area in northern Iraq over 5000 men and boys were murdered. Nadia Murad lost 6 of her 9 brothers. She was kept hostage together with many other girls and women. They were enslaved, raped and tortured. But Nadia managed to escape. Ever since she is fighting for the rights of the Yezidi people. Since september 2016 she is the first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking of the United Nations.

Sexual slavery and violence committed by the IS is ongoing until today.

What we can do right now, is to support Nadia Murad in her claim to the UN security council. She claims immediate action in order to bring justice to the victims of IS. 2016 the genocide of Yezidian people has been recognized by the United Nations. Now we need to keep the pressure, until these crimes come to the International Criminal Court. Only then we can send a clear sign to the IS, that they will be held responsible for genocide, slavery and any other crimes against humanity.

Here you can sign the petition and support Nadia Murad in her fight for justice!


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